My approach combines esoterica and metaphysics with psychology, personal growth, and educational theory.

My courses leverage the time-tested techniques I've used to help my clients (and myself!) get the most out of our own natal charts.

I was wandering in the wilderness of my spiritual awakening - inner voices, unexplained physical sensations, unfamiliar abilities, confusion, and fatigue - until I learned to use astrology to understand and harness my own deepest desires and gifts.

I'm offering what I've gleaned from my own journey and guiding hundreds of clients to teach you to interpret the movements of celestial bodies. Activate your most enjoyable life and get the most out of your daily challenges!

Note that signing up for your school will add students to your Users list, but they will still need to enroll in specific courses and coaching products of their choice to access your content.

"Thank you so much for the wonderful birth chart session! You have a true gift of blending highly analytical information with a warm, kind, and positive way to share with those you help. You are a 'light bringer,' and it shines from deep inside you, almost like a glowing orb. You send that good energy to people who need it most. Thank you, again for all your help!"

- Hollie S., Roeland Park KS

Connect with your inner wisdom

Manifest your deep desires

Grow through your challenges

More about me

Hello! I'm Robin Pool. Since childhood, I've been drawn to the spiritual path, but after my spiritual awakening, I discovered that standard, pat responses just didn't fit anymore. I would have to find my own answers! I learned that people have been doing just that for thousands of years, charting their path using the unique thumbprint of the astrology natal chart.

With my Spirit Guides, and many very generous coaches, mentors, and teachers, I learned to interpret the planets, signs, and houses of the natal chart within a spiritual context to uncover my gifts, heal from childhood trauma, and learn to love my life. In the process, I discovered that things we think are our worst features are often our greatest strengths.

 I use an eclectic astrological mix of millenia-old classical techniques and the most modern, cutting-edge experimental features, adding tarot readings, channeling, and mediumship to ensure guidance for the highest good.

With 28 years of experience as a life coach, spiritual mentor, and educational tutor, I love turning the complex subjects of astrology and metaphysics into simple and practical instructions for addressing the challenges of this life - from mundane concerns of career and health to the most mystical spiritual questions and everything in between!

I've worked with thousands of clients, taught spiritual study groups, and given classes on runes, astrology, and travel altars for:


 I'm also the writer of The Natural Rune ebook, and designer of The Natural Rune Deck (both available at this link) and The Rune Chakra Lenormand Deck (coming soon) and a thrift-store vintage fashion enthusiast, in case you can't tell from the pictures! (Photos all by Michael Weller